Podcast Prompts

So you want to start a podcast and have no idea what to talk about? The same thing happened to me. Here are some ideas that have been submitted from people just like you. Try them out!

Would you survive the zombie apocalypse?

Give some examples of what you would do and mistakes you would avoid to survive the zombie apocalypse.

What is the best advice you've received?

Explain what the best advice you recieved was and give your own advice to listeners.

What were you like in high school?

Paint a picture of what you were like in high school and what kind of friends you had or what you were involved in.

What is the worst job you've had?

Explain the worst place you worked at and why you disliked the job you had.

If you had a super power what would it be?

You have the ability to choose one super power. What would it be and why?

Do you believe in any conspiracy theories?

Do you believe in any conspiracy theories? Which ones do you think exist and why?

Get in touch

Want to add your own podcast prompt? Send me an email with the title and description and I'll add it to the prompts!